Monday, July 8, 2013

Living the Rich Life

 “If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and every day you have opportunity to write a new page.”

Mark Houlahan

I’ve Been Thinking . . . about the difference between being rich and living a rich life.
Samuel Beckett wrote a play in 1940’s entitled Waiting for Godot.  The play is now considered a classic.  The play involves two men standing on an empty stage, hands in their pockets, staring at each other.  That’s it!  All they do is stand and stare.  There is no plot, no action, no smooth transition to reveal the mystery of their behavior.  They just stand there waiting for Godot to come.

So, who is Godot?  Is there some symbolism here?  Does Godot represent God?  Is there a hidden message just waiting to surface?  Apparently not.  As the play ends, those men are still standing on the stage doing nothing, just waiting.

During the 50th anniversary celebration of the play, someone asked Mr. Beckett, “Now will you tell us who Godot is?”  He answered, “How should I know?”

Waiting for Godot represents the dilemma in many people’s lives.  There is a pointless waiting, anticipating, and meaningless pursuit of something that will turn our lives around.  The more we wait the more futile and restless our lives become.

Today’s culture certainly celebrates the successful pursuit of people who achieve this world’s wealth and riches.  We put their pictures on magazines, write full-length articles about their success and build pedestals in our mind for them to stand on.  Numerous books, television infomercials and amassing riches schemes lure the wealthy want-to-be into believing that once achieved; riches will turn their lives around.  Yet, even the rich and famous haven’t necessarily achieved a rich, fulfilled, meaningful life.

Living a rich life; one that’s filled with precious moments, valuable experiences, and a wealth of splendid memories isn’t possible by standing on a stage waiting for “Godot” to come.  Getting what you want out of life doesn’t suddenly appear by waiting for a miracle to happen.  Although we are placed on this earth to live, few people understand the magnitude of what awaits those who understand what it means to really enjoy living, relish every minute, and acquire the habit of proactively putting life into their living.

Life can be described a lot of ways.  Sometimes it’s boring, sometimes life is just okay, sometimes it is exciting, sometimes it is funny, sometimes life is demanding, sometimes it is just plain hard, and sometimes it is unexplainable.  Whatever your description of any given day, the richness of life is ultimately what you make of it.

An army chaplain was walking a convicted soldier to the gallows to be hanged.  On the way, the chaplain said to the soldier, “Things will be much better in heaven for you.”

“Do you really believe that?” asked the soldier.

“Why, yes I do,” replied the chaplain.

“Then switch places with me,” said the soldier, “because I like it here.”

Although we might mentally concur with the soldier “we like it here,” our lifestyles often reflect an attitude of life being unfair or believing things should be better. Still others are in a continual struggle to find the good life.

I happen to agree with the chaplain that heaven will certainly be a better place, but I’m also convinced I have a responsibility to make the most of every moment, appreciate the opportunities, and pursue the possibilities of living each and every day. 

I don't know your particular situation, age, profession or personal information, but I do know you can become one of those fulfilled people who have determined the richness of your life.  One who has decided that just drifting through life and staying alive isn't enough.  There is a curiosity to determine how your life will work out and you've made a profound commitment to enjoy the journey.  Begin navigating your way through the opportunities, obstacles, adversities, and dreams.

Today is a great day.  Live it.  Love it.  Learn from it.  Savor the richness of each moment.  Invest in your future by investing first of all in today.  Every decision, action, attitude or investment you make in today will dramatically impact the quality of tomorrow.  Now is a great time to put a healthy down payment on tomorrow.

It’s tempting to sit and wait for life to come to you.  But it can’t.  It’s too busy.  Life is out there.  You have to go for it.”

Harry Beckwith

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