Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Magic of Christmas

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

Norman Vincent Peale

I’ve Been Thinking . . . about that magic wand Dr. Peale referred to.

A notice came in the mail the other day that I had a registered letter to be picked up at the post office. I arrived at the post office shortly after it opened, hoping to beat the Holiday rush. No such luck!

In line ahead of me was a woman with a sack full of Christmas Cards to be mailed. “I’d like 100 stamps,” she said to the clerk.

“What denomination would you like?” the postal employee asked in a friendly tone.

“Oh, good heavens! I can’t believe it has come to this,” the lady responded. “Well, give me 50 Catholic and 50 Lutheran ones.”

Apparently the magic wand hadn’t yet touched this lady. In fact, she was clueless. She’s probably not the only one.

We each hear different things during the Christmas season depending on our perspective, what we expect and our past experiences. The magic at Christmas isn’t necessarily present for everyone even though the gift of Christmas is available to everyone.

A little boy was reading his new book of Bible stories when his mother asked him what he was doing. The young lad quickly responded, “I’m watching Jesus being born!” That’s the magic of Christmas.

The world can be softer and more beautiful when we understand and embrace the power that came with this lowly birth. And there’s only one Baby Jesus.

Seven year old Nancy loved Christmas. She was reflecting on the lights, Christmas tree, the church program, and of course, the candy and gifts. With the spirit and innocence of a seven year old, Nancy exclaimed to her sister; “I sure hope Joseph and Mary have another baby.”

Not going to happen. We get one Jesus and he is enough for the world. But, don’t be fooled by that silent lowly birth. His presence and significance continue to be felt throughout the world.

Whatever your situation. Whatever your perspective. Whatever your take on Christmas. Whatever misgivings, hesitations, doubts or questions you have . . . I pray the magic wand of Christmas will touch your heart and life this year.

And she will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.

Matthew 1:21

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